Identified horses
Identified horses of the editorial staff
Start of the races at
Going :
: 511 - 603 - 705 - 805 - 905 - 915 - 917
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Sunday :
Mont-de-Marsan (R2)
Start of the races at 10:45
Going : Bon souple
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Sunday :
Rouen-Mauquenchy (R3)
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Start of the races at 14:00
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Sunday :
Lyon-Parilly (R8)
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Sunday :
Châteaubriant (R9)
Start of the races at
: 106 - 215 - 701
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race
Start of the races at
: 704 - 902 - 905 - 907
Identified horses before the race
Identified horses after the race