PMU Statistics
Starts : 6
Victories : 0
Winning difference : -
Success wins : 0%
Average winning report : -
Horse form : 3p4p2p3p0p5p
Places in the first 3 :
Placed difference : 0
Success in place : 50%
Average report placed : 1.70 €
Statistics conducted on PMU races of the last 12 months.
Multi Statistics
Starts : 0
Victories : 0
Winning difference : -
Success wins : -
Average winning report : -
Places in the first 4 :
Placed difference : -
Success in place : -
Average report placed : -
Statistics conducted on Multi races of the last 12 months.
Quinté+ Statistics
Starts : 0
Victories : 0
Winning difference : -
Success wins : -
Average winning report : -
Places in the first 5 :
Placed difference : -
Success in place : -
Average report placed : -
Statistics conducted on Quinté+ races of the last 12 months.